Thursday, 30 October 2014

MTL Exemption - The Psychological / Professional Report

Page 3 of Form 2-EXPT under the heading INFORMATION FOR PARENTS AND GUARDIANS point 2 states the following:

Applications for exemption from offering Mother Tongue Language based on medical/psychological reasons must be accompanied by a psychological/professional report that:

  • states clearly the specific learning disability as diagnosed by qualified professionals*
  • is current i.e. the evaluation of learning needs arising from the disability should be completed within 3 years prior to the date of application;
  • provides relevant information pertaining to medical, developmental and educational history;
  • describes the comprehensive testing and techniques use to arrive at the diagnosis, including evaluation dates and test results with subtest scores from measures such as cognitive ability academic achievement, and information processing;
  • describes the functional limitations supported by test results; and
  • provides a rationale for the student's need for Mother Tongue Language exemption.
* Note:  Professionals qualified to make the evaluation include educational psychologists, child/clinical psychologists, psychiatrists, occupational therapists and speech and language therapists.

Many parents think they can simply write a letter or ask their family doctor to write one for them to submit to MOE.  Unfortunately, MOE doesn't accept this.  

You will have to get your child tested by a qualified professional.  

The cost can vary.  I had my child tested for Dyslexia at DAS (Dyslexia Association of Singapore) and the cost is subsidised.  It is probably the cheapest professional assessment you can get.  It is around SGD 700.  Unfortunately/fortunately, although my child had the symptoms of dyslexia the diagnosis came back as "not dyslexic"but with "possible underlying language issues".

Now, it needs to be said that whilst the DAS test is quite comprehensive (5 pages long and takes 3 hours) it (the test) only tests for dyslexia. So if your child has tested negative for dyslexia but you still feel that your child has a learning disability, you need to get him/her further assessed by a private psychologist.

Assessment by a private psychologist costs around SGD 1,300 to SGD 1,900 depending on what tests the psychologist needs to do.  Generally, it it costs about SGD 500 per test and your child may need 2 or 3 or more tests!

*Tip 1*  DAS are very strict in their assessment.   Unless you are very sure your child displays signs of dyslexia skip DAS and go straight to a private psychologist.

*Tip 2*  When you are having your initial consultation with the psychologist do not mince your words or beat around the bush.  Just tell them directly that you are looking for MTL Exemption.  

Psychologists use standard tests which may include the following:
  •  Test of Auditory Processing Skills
  • Analysis of Reading Ability
  • Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing
  • Attention Tests
  • Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Tests
My child's tests cost SGD 1,300 and the report was 10 pages long.  

Whilst you can likely expect a recommendation to EXEMPT MTL, you can also expect other recommendations such as a change of seating position in the classroom, extra time for tests, some eye exercises or extra reading at home.  

HOWEVER, the one thing you should be very sure to expect is THERAPY.  I suppose it makes sense.  If they do find your child has disability then you need to fix it.  

Therapy could be in the form of Speech & Language Therapy or Literacy Therapy or special lessons in reading and writing.  It could be anything really but you can't leave it to anyone to do it for you or enrol your child in an ordinary enrichment or tuition class.  You need to engage a qualified Educational Therapist.  These people are usually qualified teachers and have a degree in child psychology or educational psychology with a specialisation in early childhood development or a related discipline.  They usually work one to one with your child and they cost approximately SGD 150 an hour.  You may need to see one therapist once a week or one therapist twice a week.  Or like me, you might need to see two therapists once a week each or twice a week each as exam time approaches.

I spend about SGD 1,000 a month on therapy.  Needless to say, it is wonderful.  My child loves going for therapy and it has definitely improved my child's performance in school and in exams.  Well it better…cos it costs a bomb.  

Sometimes, therapy needs to continue for years and sometimes its just for a few weeks/months until your child gets to a level where they develop the skills required to complete their required schoolwork effectively.

Once more, I want to bring your attention to Form 2-EXPT.  Page 5, Question A2 requires the Teacher to state Interventions undertaken within and outside the school to help the child cope with their work.  This is where you can inform your teacher about  the INTENSIVE THERAPY your child is having to help address your child's learning disability.

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