Unless your child has been away from Singapore for 2 years or more and out of the local school system, the only other way to get an exemption from MTL is if your child has a medical condition that would adversely affect their ability to cope with MTL.
As mention in my post here, http://mtlexemption.blogspot.sg/2014/10/mother-tongue-exemption-in-singapore.html, the 3 most common medical conditions that allow for exemption are:
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
There are other conditions that allow for exemption too. These include:
Early childhood speech delay
Auditory processing difficulties
Disabilities in processing language
Attention Deficit Disorder (without Hyperactive Disorder)
Anxiety Disorder
Severe Depression
The list is not exhaustive and MOE evaluates each submission on its own merits.
However, if your child has no medical issues and simply does not like MTL or doesn't put in any effort to learn the language then your chances for exemption though NOT IMPOSSIBLE, will be more difficult.
Once you've realised your child has a medical issue preventing them from learning MTL, you will need to start to gather the evidence required by MOE to get your exemption.
According to MOE, you will need to submit the following certified copies of:
1) Birth Certificate (easy)
2) Student Pass (foreign student)
3) School Results (last 2 years) including K1 & K2 results if student is in P1 (see separate post)
4) Psychological/Professional Report (see separate post)
You will also need to submit Form 2-EXPT. It does not matter which school your child goes to, the form is the same. You can find it here:
or here:
You will need to discuss your intention to exempt your child from MTL with your child's form teacher and MTL teacher as they will need to:
1. Fill out the "Teachers" section of the form.
2. Advise the Learning Abilities Counsellor in the school about your intention as they need to open a case file for your child and handle the submission.
You will need to make sure your child's case manager is on the ball or they could end up leaving your form in their "in tray" for months.
All of this can be done only once you have received your Psychological/Professional Report. This is the part that costs A LOT of money. More on this in a separate post.
Once your child's case manager has submitted your documents to MOE, you need to wait for their response. It could take up to 3 months.
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